Should you create a personal brand as a nurse practitioner?

personal brand as a nurse practitioner

Have you heard the term “personal brand?” Creating a personal brand includes identifying a specific look, design, purpose, or passion. A personal brand shows the uniqueness and individuality of that person. Developing a personal brand has definitely become popular the past few years in this world of social media. Many people relate personal brands to […]

Life can change when you overcome nurse practitioner burnout.

overcome nurse practitioner burnout

I wanted to talk a little more about my own healthcare burnout story and more specifically what life looked like before burnout and after burnout. For me burnout was a difficult place, but I was able to overcome the burnout. I then created The Burned-out Nurse Practitioner and am passionate about helping other NPs overcome […]

Do you fear other people’s opinions as a nurse practitioner?

Nurse practitioners struggle with imposter syndrome and other people's opinions.

Have you ever been in a situation when you were frozen in fear of other people’s opinions? Have you ever experienced a time you felt judged for your words or actions? Have you ever experienced imposter syndrome or felt you’re not smart enough to be an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN)? Have you heard negative […]

Your worst day could be someone’s best

Your worst day could be someone's best.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own lives, particularly what we feel like we are lacking. You might feel like your job sucks. Your clinic manager doesn’t understand. Your supervising physician dislikes nurse practitioners. You are stuck in a dead end job with no way out. If you have people around you […]

6 tips to stop being a people pleaser as a nurse practitioner

stop being a people pleaser

Do you find yourself saying yes to a request you don’t really want to do? Do you struggle with patients asking for more than you’re willing to give? Do you hear comments like, “You’re soooooo nice” or “I can always count on you”? Do you feel like you are constantly giving to everyone but yourself?  […]

5 ways to create work life balance in a new nurse practitioner job

create work life balance

Whether you are a new nurse practitioner or just starting a new job, nurse practitioners can create work life balance and prevent nurse practitioner burnout from the start! While many nurse practitioners generally inquire about salary, benefits, etc., I strongly encourage nurse practitioners to ask about work-life balance. As a burnout coach, I have worked […]

Do you experience the #1 cause of nurse practitioner burnout?

cause of nurse practitioner burnout

While there are more than one cause of nurse practitioner burnout, this article will focus on the top causative agent for nurse practitioner burnout! I recently wrote a blog post discussing the fact that nurse practitioners are replaceable at work and nurse practitioners are not replaceable at home. If you experience this work-life imbalance, you […]

What is imposter syndrome costing you?

Imposter syndrome

If you struggle with negative thoughts or limiting beliefs as a nurse practitioner, there may be more negative impacts than you realize. Imposter syndrome is If you experience these thoughts, you are not alone! Through my work as a nurse practitioner burnout coach, I have talked to so many new and experienced APRNs who have […]

5 ways to avoid self-sabotage as a nurse practitioner


How are those New Year’s resolutions? Did you create some goals to positively impact your life but for some reason fell off the wagon?…

Four Commandments For Patients Accessing You Through The Inbox

time management and charting tips

Guest blog post by Jessica Reeves, MSN, MPH, APRN. Jessica is the author of Secrets from the World’s Most Productive Nurse Practitioner….