Nurse Practitioners Should Be Wealthy

nurse practitioner

This is a guest blog post written by Angel Mathis, a nurse and FNP, founder and CEO of Nurses Investing For Wealth.

If you’re a nurse practitioner, on principle, deep in my soul, I want you to be wealthy.

Not that it matters if you can buy a yacht and eat caviar and do all of the other stuff that stereotypically gets associated with wealth. 

It’s just that when you aren’t at work, you should be able to live the life that you want. You should not have to feel stressed about your finances, and you should feel financially secure enough that if you need to stop nursing, change jobs, or make a change to protect your mental health, you shouldn’t have to worry about it.

Why do I feel like this? 

Nursing Is A Burnout Job

As a FNP myself, I know that the job is ridiculously hard. It’s the type of hard that you can’t understand unless you’ve done it yourself. 

When I imagine who might be reading this – when I imagine YOU – here’s what I think:

You got into nursing, at least in part, because you’re a good person. Specifically, you’re someone who wants to help and is willing to deal with gross bodily functions and high stress environments in order to do so. You want to do something meaningful with your life, and you want to support people during difficult times. 

In all likelihood you’ve been doing that for years, and it isn’t easy. In fact, even though your career has brought some amazing things to your life, on a day to day basis your job takes more than it gives. 

If you’re honest, when you approach the doors at work, and the familiar smell of hand sanitizer and antiseptic and bodily fluids wafts out, you feel an impulse to keep walking and never look back. 

But you don’t. 

Instead, day after day, you deal with short staffing and patients with big, urgent needs who are relying on you. You get smacked, pinched, spit on, groped, sexually harassed and yelled at. You’ve developed coping skills to keep your fight or flight instincts under control during your daily high pressure, high stress, high consequence work. You do it at your own emotional expense in order to prevent harm to the patients who you’re doing your best to help. 

You know what it feels like to chase the clock trying to complete all your tasks. 

You know how it feels to get a $5 coffee card from your employer as a thank you for sacrificing your own physical and emotional wellbeing to provide the best care for patients and maximize your organization’s profits. 

You know what it’s like to have PTO denied repeatedly. 

You know what it’s like to see co-workers burn out. You might be burntout yourself.

You probably know what it’s like to be in the room when someone dies, to worry that you could have done more, and then to carry on with your job as if everything is fine.

Dealing with all of that, you shouldn’t have to go home and worry about whether you can take another day of this… and if you can’t, whether you’ll be able to make ends meet, afford education for your children, that big trip, or that retirement that you deserve.

Of all people, I think nurses (that is, YOU) deserve financial freedom.

You Can Work Because You Want To, Not Because You Have To

I’ve managed to get to financial independence as a nurse…and now I work because I want to, not because I have to.  I did it by creating my own money system – The Nurses Investing For Wealth Method™. 

This let me 

  • Eliminate money confusion and overwhelm. 
  • Stop losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars to my trustworthy financial advisor/fiduciary.
  • It gave me freedom because now my investment returns pay me more than my NP salary ever did.

I needed this in order to survive. So I experimented and studied and taught myself how to get my money strategy straight as a nurse practitioner with variable and unpredictable pay. Inside a job that was constantly under threat fulling understanding how organizations scapegoat nurses when something goes wrong.

Learning How To Get The Most Power Out Of My Money Took Me Years

I know that you need financial independence too. I know you feel like you don’t know where to start…and I get it. I felt that way before too. I know that you don’t have years to spend. You might even feel desperate to get unstuck from nursing now.

I started helping nurses fast-track their financial independence by sharing my evidence based Method. I tested it with a bunch of nurses in a variety of financial situations, and it works. Now my program is the first State Board of Nursing approved financial literacy program in the U.S.A. 

It’s Crucial For You, And It’s Crucial For Our Field. 

What I teach you is a proven, plug-and-play method that you set up once and tailor to your specific financial needs. Then you continue using it in just 1 hour a month for the rest of your life. Boom. Done.

My Nurses Investing For Wealth Method™ shows you: 

  • Day to day money management–find money you already earn and get more power from it.
  • Ways to use debt to your advantage
  • How to invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, and more–make your future free.
  • Living a good life while also managing money responsibly. 

Even if right now you don’t know a thing about investing, are over your head in debt, or feel embarrassed about your financial situation, as a nurse I”m convinced that you have the ability to gain solid control of your finances. I believe it because I did it, and because a lot of other NPs in my program have as well.

Nurse Practitioners Have The Capacity To Build Actual, Real Wealth

More, I think you have the capacity to build actual, real wealth. 

The kind that’ll let you 

  • Quit or drop down to part-time so you can do what you want outside of work
  • Get unstuck from your job if it’s burning you out
  • To feel secure in life even at times when work feels out of control. 

Getting there won’t happen overnight, but it also doesn’t take as long as you might think. I teach nurses how to plug into a money system that lets them create work optional freedom. 

If you’re ready to take the first steps and learn how this Method will work for you, click here for my free training: 

How To Become Work Optional in One Hour a Month–Without Burning Out, Wasting Time on One-Size-Fits All Finance Strategies, or Falling for Bogus Investment Ploys

You’ll learn

  • Secret #1: The Tactics that Turn Farmers and Teachers into Millionaires—and that Can Do the Same for You
  • Secret #2: How to Boost Your Net Worth by 5, 6 & 7 Figures With This Expert-Beating Investing Strategy Made Especially For Nurses.
  • ​​Secret #3 Exactly How to Live Off of Your Investments—with Money to Spare! You’ll see how to outshine those workplace retirement plans like 401ks & 403bs.

When you click here you’ll get immediate access to this free, on-demand training that you can watch when it fits into your schedule. 

Because you, as a nurse, deserve to be wealthy enough to live the life that you want!

Author bio:

Hi, I’m Angel Mathis, a nurse and FNP, founder and CEO of Nurses Investing For Wealth. For me nursing has been my pathway to breaking my family’s generational poverty cycle. 

I developed a money method that let me use my nursing salary –starting at just $16/hr– to pay off $200,000 of debt, buy my home in cash, cars in cash, and make work optional by my mid-thirties. And I’m glad I did, because I had to take 5 years off to heal from severe burnout.

I struggle seeing the healthcare system treat NP labor like a disposable commodity during times of record corporate profits. That’s why I’ve started teaching APRN colleagues how to plug into my signature money method – so they can create their own work optional freedom and get unstuck from burnout environments. 

I’m here in solidarity and to support.

Erica D the NP

Erica D the NP Business Coach helps nurse practitioners go from burnout to building an online side hustle that creates more impact (and income) than their full-time nurse practitioner job. Learn more at

For time management and charting tips, check out The Nurse Practitioner Charting School– The one stop for all documentation resources created specifically for nurse practitioners. Learn more at

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**Full disclosure, this blog post may include affiliate links. I do receive a commission if any of the affiliate programs/services/supplies are purchased. This is at no extra cost to you but does allow me to continue to provide content as The Burned-out Nurse Practitioner! Thank you!

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