A coworker and I recently found ourselves complaining about our jobs.
We wished we made more money. Wished the support staff did more tasks so we didn’t have to. Wished administration actually listened to our concerns. It is so easy, especially when you’re talking to someone else with similar thoughts, to find all the negatives of your J.O.B. There are crappy, unfair aspects of nearly any job (some more than others). But when you start down the path of negativity, it is hard to find happiness in anything.
We decided before we did any kind of complaining we would list a minimum of 3 things we loved about our jobs. We quickly came up with 10 things! We loved how a certain staff member would jump in and help before we asked. We loved our colleague physician who always stood up for NPs. We loved that our job was close to our kids’ school.
We were quickly able to notice the positive things! Feeling grateful for the positives makes it a whole lot harder to complain about the bad things.
So give it a try! Every time you sit down at your desk and think, “I wish I wasn’t at work today,” think about at least 3 things for which you can be thankful. Think about the good things in your work or personal life that brighten your day. This rule may not help you overcome NP burnout over night, but it is an easy process to implement!
Shifting our mindset towards abundance/positivity/growth will have a tremendous impact on our overall happiness!
And who doesn’t want to be happy?
For more tips and tricks on overcoming nurse practitioner burnout, checkout Burnout Resolution for Nurse Practitioners. This online, self-study course will help you create-work life balance and conquer burnout.
For time management and charting tips, check out The Nurse Practitioner Charting School– The one stop for all documentation resources created specifically for nurse practitioners. Learn more at www.npchartingschool.com
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**Full disclosure, this blog post may include affiliate links. I do receive a commission if any of the affiliate programs/services/supplies are purchased. This is at no extra cost to you but does allow me to continue to provide content as The Burned-out Nurse Practitioner! Thank you!